Halloween, sickies and nablopomo

Halloween has come and gone and it was a fun weekend. Miss E went as Sleeping Beauty and she had such a great time. She was so cute with her hair all curled up and glitter everywhere. She was exhausted when she came home but came home with a great stash of candy.

Mr. B unfortunately ended up snuggled up on the couch with me most of the evening Saturday. We had thought he’d be able to go out and about in his little dinosaur costume but it was a no go when he woke up with a scorching 103 degree fever after his nap Saturday. 🙁 It turns out he has strep throat (and may have shared it with me and Chris).

And lastly this week (well yesterday) actually starts NaBloPoMo (or National Blog Posting Month) I did this last year and it was fun but due to being at urgent care most of the day yesterday and then soothing a sick wee one I didn’t get to post as I had hoped but I plan to for the rest of the month. 🙂 So be prepared… I may have some random ramblings to add to my crafty pursuits this month. 😀

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