Taylored Expressions Designer Dangles

New Designer Dangles

Hi Everyone! I’m back!! I appologize for the inpromtu hiatus of crafting but Covid school teaching and being the mom of an online learner required some temporary priority shifts. I am happy to say that the school year has ended and my son made it through with all A’s and B’s! Woohoo! Now back to regularly scheduled crafting!

Taylored Expressions is launching a new line of Designer Dangles that are so so fun! The new Knock on Wood walnut earring accents are AMAZING! I’ve used two of them today. This first set features three concentric circles that coordinate with the Wrap Around die to create such a cute earring profile. The walnut accents have a film on one side that creates a bit of a fun mottled look that you see here. The other side is smooth, which I didn’t photograph, but you can see it in the product photos on the TE website. Below is a photo of my daughter wearing these so you can see how they fit.

The second pair of earrings I have to share uses the new Knock on Wood On Point and Designer Dangles On Point. I really love the look of these and the possibilities for add ons with charms for this particular set.

For both of my earrings, I used the new Good as Gold craft leather set. These are such great options – my daughter especially loved the green and gold fleck craft leather. They both cut really well and we were super easy to work with!

That’s it for me today. All the supplies I used are listed below! Have a great day!

Designer Dangles – Wrap Around
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Designer Dangles – On Point
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Designer Dangles Jump Rings
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Designer Dangles Earring Wires
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Knock on Wood – Wrap Around Rings
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Knock on Wood – On Point Frames
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Slim Bent Chain Nose Pliers
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Craft Leather – Good as Gold
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Craft Tweezers
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