Taylored Expressions Stamp Joy 2016

Taylored Expressions Stamp Joy 2016

Taylored Expressions Stamp Joy 2016

Hi everyone!! I just wanted to pop in really quick and let you know that registration for Taylored Expressions Stamp Joy 2016 opens today and I’ll be teaching another watercolor class this year where we will be exploring some new techniques as well as digging a little deeper into some of the techniques we used last year.

Here’s a closer peek at the cards we’ll be making in the class..


We will be focusing on using watercolor washes to create elegant as well as scenic backgrounds, controlling washes to create beautiful color blend and a bit of realistic watercolor.

Stamp Joy will be held October 15, 2016 from 8 am to 5:30 pm in Ankeny, IA. To register head over to the Stamp Joy Information page! I hope you’ll join us! It’s going to be a fantastic time. We have a fabulous class line up – 5 different classes of varying ability levels, TONS of make and take and LOTS of good food – not to mention some amazing shopping! I hope to see you there!!

Taylored Expressions Stamp Joy 2016

2 responses to “Taylored Expressions Stamp Joy 2016”

  1. smilynstef

    So excited … I just signed-up. Can’t wait to watercolor with you.

    1. Thanks Stef!!! I can’t wait to see you there. 🙂